The Reverse Squat Strap - by the TIB Bar Guy
The Reverse Squat Strap - by the TIB Bar Guy
The Reverse Squat Strap - the answer to your Hip Flexor needs!
Our Reverse Squat Strap offers an incredibly portable solution for getting an excellent training session at an affordable price.
Perfect for reverse squats, tricep pull downs, bicep curls, single leg reverse squats, & so much more!
The Reverse Squat Strap is designed with commercial webbing material and a steel D-ring construction that is durable and ideal for commercial use! It is perfect for Knees Over Toes training, gyms, sports teams, Crossfit, group training, athletes, and physical therapists.
Training with The Reverse Squat Strap will help develop strong hip flexor muscles.
Your hip flexors are the muscles that are used to lift your legs when running or jumping.
The more you train your lower body, the stronger and heavier your legs become. Raising the legs up with your hip flexors inherently will require more strength.
Use the reverse squat exercise to allow your hip flexors to keep up with the rest of your body!