The TIB Bar Pro - by the TIB Bar Guy
The TIB Bar Pro - by the TIB Bar Guy
Tested up to 150lbs
The Tib Bar Pro offers an excellent and fast option for those looking to start using a Tib Bar and doing Tib Raises, Hip Flexor Raises, Bicep Curls, & so much more!
Doing Tib Raises will help develop a strong Tibialis Anterior muscle, the first line of defense against knee injuries + it's perfect for leg extensions, hanging hip flexor raises, bicep curls & much more!
The Tibialis Anterior is the muscle that runs next to the shin bone, down the front of the leg from the knee to the ankle. When the Tibialis Anterior muscle is weak, the undue force generated through walking, running, or jumping makes its way to the knee, causing knee pain and shin splints.
Using the Tib Bar also helps to strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the ankle while simultaneously stretching and increasing the ankle's range of motion.